You’ll Love These 5 Inventive and Interesting Places to Visit in Bodrum, Turkey

I strongly advise hiring a car whilst in Bodrum so you can explore the stunning peninsula outside of the city. For this expedition, the spring and fall seasons are particularly suitable. The Ancient St. Peter Castle is among Bodrum’s most historically significant attractions.

Ancient St. Peter Castle – Bodrum Wonder of the World

This fortress-like structure, constructed by the Knights Hospitallers of Rhodes in the 15th century and dedicated to St. Peter, is a symbol of Bodrum.

Within its walls, you can explore the Museum of Underwater Archaeology, admire the gallery of glass and amphorae, and even see the remains of a 14th-century ship. The castle’s lush garden, with pomegranate, mulberry, aloe, and quince trees, is inhabited by beautiful peacocks. Climbing the Commander Tower rewards you with a breathtaking panoramic view of Bodrum, including its picturesque hills, marina, and the sea.

Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archeology

Another must-visit attraction in Bodrum is the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology, which is part of St. Peter’s Castle. It’s worth exploring as part of your castle visit.

Bodrum Old Town

For a taste of Bodrum’s charming character, wander through Bodrum Old Town, located just behind St. Paul Castle. Its narrow streets, adorned with vines and stone houses, transport you back in time to the days when it was a fishing village. While much of the city has modernized, this area retains the authentic atmosphere of its past. It’s perfect for a leisurely afternoon stroll, and you’ll find many quaint boutiques and cafes to relax in after your walk.


Zeki Muren Arts Museum


If you’re interested in unique cultural experiences, don’t miss the Zeki Muren Arts Museum. This museum is housed in the former residence of the renowned Turkish singer, Zeki Muren, known for his contributions to music and acting.